Friday, February 29, 2008

Do Not Judge

"Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you."
- Matthew 7 : 1 - 2

many a times, people judge, without even thinking. they are unhappy cause a certain someone did a certain something. but have they ever thought, are they like them too?

too many such situations. i shall keep mum next time someone says that again. for he/she does not know what they are talking about.

BYE. off to coffee prince last few episodes! :D

oh! and i got a job! HAPPY :D



Wednesday, February 27, 2008

i need good food now, and maybe a cry or two.
i'm hooked onto coffee prince once again, watching it day and night and been nagged bout getting a job. it's not like as if i'm slacking my days off without even looking for a job. it's just that i'm waiting for them t call me! i've alr sent in my resumes mummy!

oh well, maybe i'll shoot my butt back t the restaurant.

okayy seriously i need a job. &&& i prefer a 9 - 5 job, so that my mind can be occupied like 24/7 and i don't have t tire my brain by thinking about useless and senseless stuff.

hmmm, maybe i can work through the opening till the closing of the restaurant hours? OK that shall be my last resort

BYE t idiotic people who thinks that gaming is more impt than friends!



Tuesday, February 26, 2008

sushi making!
yup yup yup, we girls went down t eliz's place t make SUSHI today! :D

great time! so fun!
hahah all the preparation and yummy ingredients. rice with vinegar (the vinegar totally stinked!), grilled unagi and chicken, cucumbers, eggs, etc.

bit by bit, our sushi rolling got better! hahahha food is filling and we settled our dinner just like that!

anw i've changed my email. and i'm wondering now, shld i start adding people on msn with that email. gawk, it's so troublesomeeeeeeeee.

&&& i'm craving for a swim or two BADLY!

i'm gonna dry swim tmr a.k.a mahjong HAHA and i need a wet one sooooon

anyone interested? buzz me HAHA



Thursday, February 21, 2008

an episode of the life of a girl
there are things she wishes t explain, and there're also things that she does not wish t explain. sometimes she just wishes t be selfish, t think for herself only. just when i needed you, you disappeared.
she's changing.
she knows she's changing. i thought i could find someone else, but i'm afraid t call.
from a optimistic girl, to a pestimistic girl.
from a strongheaded girl, to a girl who's weak and does not have the strength to fight anymore, she lost her strength to argue. what should i do?

in the past, she does not resign to fate that easily. now, she lost all her willpower to fight on.

she's tired. but no one said that it will be a smooth and tireless journey. she just wants someone t depend on but no one said she's alone, she has Him.

but sometimes she hopes for someone whom she can bite, beat, smack and all. (erm she's not violent or smtg but hope you get what it literally means.)

many times she is helping people in their situations. but when she needs help from the people she's closest with, from the people she feels most comfortable with, from the people she hopes are there for her, they are all not there. she turns her head left and right, she looks for them frantically. but she can't find any. not that she doesn't have any, just that she's worried that she will spoil their mood, that she will be disturbing them.

alright, now she needs a rest.



it's starting t get on my nerves
it's starting t get on my nerves
it's starting t get on my nerves




alright i have a job interview tmr morning and here i am, procastinating!

but oh well, where would money come from if i do not work FOR it? no gains will just drop from heaven [although i wish there are such matters HAHA!]

in some of our modules we learnt that the profile of many customers now are time poor, cash rich. well in OUR case now, it's more of TIME RICH, CASH POOOOOOR!

alright alright i need money t spend! i can't possibly spend ALL of my ang baos money! man oh man, man oh man

how i wish i am studying now. crazy i know, but ya.


went swimming td with pc, pam and liz. now i'm back with rosy, burnt cheeks HAHA i like.




Sunday, February 17, 2008

每个人都有自己的信念, 相信不同的人,事,物. 但始终, 大家都希望自己能得到尊重和喜爱.

对我来说, 就在此刻, 我已不想管那么多了. 你想怎样对待我, 就怎样对待我. 只要我知道我的所做所为没有违背自己的良心, 我就心满意足了.

you just have to remind yourself, that by reacting on what she says, you will start to be more and more like her. - timlim

thanks for the advice, especially that sentence (:



Monday, February 11, 2008


i'm tired. i want to live a life that i want. to stop caring bout others, but only myself. selfish, i know. maybe i just want t be selfish for once.

or rather no one even felt that i was being helpful and caring.

that friend that i cared a lot for, that i want t protect, where is the care and concern that i want from you? where is it when i needed it most?

she's right, i shouldn't care so much anymore.

thanks auyong, for knowing me (:
sorry, i just wanna be selfish for once, to keep things t myself.


i should stop hoping for something. time and again, i fell hard, i hurt myself badly.

maybe it's time t stop everything.
in recent months, i've lost the one most important and deepest desire in my heart, something that can let me shine and show my potential. i've lost it. i wanted t fight, but it's too late, all too late.

2 years ago, my heart went cold. i finally felt what real hurt feels like. from then on, i tried looking for that one thing iwanted most. till now, it's still unfound.

time and again i told myself to forget about it. but time and again i let myself be hurt again. everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything.

every single hurt just comes back like a string of memory, like a train dashing through the dark tunnel. the only difference, i've yet t find my source of light.

but i know and i know, i have my touchlight guiding me t the end, t the great prize.
thank you Lord.

thank You for storing my tears in a bottle.



Wednesday, February 06, 2008

exams are over!

yup, finally they are over.
and the next few months of holidays will be yet another transition period for me. yes, another one. and i believe it will be as big as the previous one i experienced, which i didn't handle it quite well.

it's time for me to think through the last semester that i had, and what i want to achieve during the upcoming semester, academically.

year 3 sem 1 will be a whole new experience for my friends and i. imagine being separated for 6 months due to their overseas industry placement program, a.k.a. OIPP. we will not see each other for literally ONE YEAR! yes one year. cause when they are back in singapore for their studies, we will be out of school doing our IPP.

emotions will definitely run high during the last few days of march and beginning of april.

another thing for me to think about is about what i want, what i really really want. one issue has to be settled at least by next tues. i really have to think about it, whether it is the right decision to do so. definitely a tough one.

to give up, or to hold on, or to fight for it. i have 3 choices, 3 difficult choices.


i've also decided to stay strong and not to let anyone step over my head and make fun of me anymore. once, twice, it's fine. but every week? please, know your limits. no parents gave birth to their child for you to make fun of.

RESPECT people if you want them to respect you.
many times in life, i wanted something so much, and hold it so dearly. but time and again, i kind of ended up destroying it in my own hands. i didn't want to screw things up and i knew what i wanted all along, it was just a question of how and who.
time to sleep



Friday, February 01, 2008

每个帅哥都是 gay.
所以如果你想要做个帅哥, 当个 gay 吧!

LOL ok i thought of the above sentence while doing my business law exam HAHA

thank God it was fine.
sandy just got me shocked and worried before the paper. but if it wasn't for her, i guess it would be worst. i felt much more calm after she asked me to pray for her.

thanks sandy!
you are a blessing in disguise this noon!


i miss cell group ):
i miss svc ):

nvm, another 2 more papers :DD

aja! aja!




daddyGod :D
E420; CHC ((:
go nuts !

when there're no chocos,
there's always candies.



miss me? HAHA
wanna see my photos?
click here!
and here!

my other blog!

friends :D






the smile has faded,

in the gloomy world.

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